Les conditions économiques difficiles et la rencontre, en 1929, avec celle qui deviendra sa femme, le dissuadent pour l'immédiat de tout laisser tomber pour la peinture. Il quitte malgré tout la sécurité d'un emploi communal pour se mettre à son compte. La crise le rattrape rapidement et l'aventure se termine dans une faillite. Henri-Vincent Gillard a 30 ans. Il décide alors de se consacrer entièrement à son art.
In 1929, Henri-Vincent met the woman who was to become his wife. This burgeoning relationship and the economic difficulties of the time, for a while discouraged him from giving up his job to paint full time. However, he did relinquish the security of his municipal job and became self-employed. The recession quickly caught up with him and the adventure ended in bankruptcy. Henri-Vincent Gillard was then 30 years old and decided to thereon devote himself exclusively to painting.
Cette décision s'accompagne d'un repli sur lui-même. L'artiste va fuir les mondanités, éviter les vernissages et renoncer aux concours. Il ne se plaît que dans son atelier et dans la nature, en tête à tête avec lui-même.
This decision was accompanied by solitary retreat. The artist fled worldly pursuits, avoided varnishings and shunned competitions. His happiness lay only in his studio and enjoying nature, in the presence of his own intimacy.