L'après-guerre va sourire au peintre. Une importante exposition se déroule en 1948. La critique ne se montra pas avare de compliments, essentiellement sur les paysages alpins. Il expose ensuite régulièrement sans toutefois forcer le rythme. Plusieurs opportunités d'exposer hors des frontières suisses ou vaudoises s'ouvrent à lui mais il renonce. Henri-Vincent Gillard ne veut pas céder aux sirènes du mercantilisme et refuse notamment d'envoyer ses toiles outre Atlantique.
The post-war years were kinder to the artist. An important exhibition was held in 1948. The critics were generous in their praise, particularly for the mountain landscapes. He then organized well-spaced yet regular exhibitions. On several occasions, opportunities to show his work abroad arose, but he turned them down. Henri-Vincent Gillard did not want to want to succumb to the sirens of business; he in particular refused to send his paintings across the Atlantic.
Les années soixante correspondent à une période de plénitude mais l'artiste conserve la tête froide et ne se laisse pas détourner de son oeuvre, forte et originale.
The sixties were a period of fulfilment, but the artist stayed focused and did not let himself be distracted for his powerful and original work.